Sediments of the Anthropocene
collection 1
In the project FROM THE SEA / Collection 1, a branch of my long-term project AND WHEN YOU LOOK CLOSELY, I am researching the visible traces of man-made climate change on our coasts. On the beaches I encounter formations of fragments - silent evidence of dead creatures and plant organisms, interwoven with the resilient remnants of human consumer culture such as plastic, packaging and other garbage. These sediments of the Anthropocene tell of a constant exchange of materials between humans and nature, of a fusion that defines the essence of our era.
FROM THE SEA connects geological archives with our mental memories. The matter deposited over centuries is now forming new, often toxic layers of sediment on the coasts. The remains of human civilization merge with organic remains to form a collective archive of our time - an archive that needs to be viewed, analyzed and ultimately questioned.
By finding and depicting these washed-up object formations, I capture the complex interplay of natural and artificial elements. The series invites to pause and reflect – on what the sea leaves behind and on the traces we as a society leave on our environment if we look closely.
©2022 Anne Gabriel-Jürgens