
Mobile +41/ 76 221 2626

Limmatstrasse 259
8005 Zürich

Greina Book

13 Photo AG
+41 44 586 8613

Cooperation with:

Concept / Realization:
Anne Gabriel-Jürgens

Copyright and rights of all pictures
on the website by Anne Gabriel-Jürgens.
There is no responsibility for the content
of external links.


"Anne Gabriel-Jürgens studied photography in Hamburg, received her diploma at the HAW with Prof. Ute Mahler and completed her master's degree with Prof. Arno Fischer in Berlin. She constantly works on freelance long-term projects and photographs documentation and portraits for magazines and companies.
Central themes in her work are definitions of gender and family roles
as well as environmental issues related to sustainability, identity and society.
She questions common social models and observes how the environment develops and changes under the given circumstances.

2024 board member of NEAR, swiss association
for contemporary photography, Lausanne
2023 lecturer for photography, F+F, Zurich
2023 lecturer for photography, SAE, Zurich
2023 member of pool collective
2022 Galerie Weissgrad edition, Zurich
member of NEARswiss association for
contemporary photography, Lausanne

2010 member and shareholder of 13PHOTO Agency, Zurich
2009/2012 lecturer for photography, GAF, Zurich
2008/2010 lecturer for photography, Leuphana University Lüneburg
2007 master class, Arno Fischer, Ostkreuzschule, Berlin
2004 Diplom photography with Prof. Ute Mahler,
University of applied sciences, Hamburg
2003 formation of the photography group «Im Osten»

Solo Exhibitions
2024 and when you look closely, Fotoforum Zug, Zug
2023 Viel Glück zum Muttertag, Book launch, Parat, Zürich
2022 "WE'VE HAD ENOUGH!", KOSMOS , Zurich
2022 "WE'VE HAD ENOUGH!",   Anna Göldi Museum, Glarus
2020/2021 Viel Glück zum Muttertag, Never Stop Reading, Zurich
GREINA Book, ADC Galerie, Zurich
2018 GREINA Book, Bolte Lang Galerie, Zurich
2015 Between The Bridges, NYC Diary, Galerie 13Photo, Zurich

2011 ..und wenn du auf die andere Seite gehst.., Photopension, Köln
2011 ..und wenn du auf die andere Seite gehst.., Galerie 13Photo, Zurich
2005 Between the Bridges, Galerie Linda, Hamburg 

Selected Group Exhibitions
2025 Built close to the water! Galerie LADØNS, Hamburg
2024 Warm Seas & Cold Coasts 
Foul Winds & Old Ghosts
exibition / „Make me Water“ Film, Les Rencontres d'Arles

2024 La Nuit des images - and when you look closely - Photo Elysee, Platforme10, Lausanne
2023 13Photo, Time is running out, IPFO, Olten
2022 Weisgard & 13Photo, ADC Galerie, Zürich
2021 HOME - Inbetweenoutside- PHOTO IS:RAEL, Fotofestival
2020 Screening with 13Photo "everyting is no under control"  with the serie  Inbetweenoutside - just sascha, Vevey Fotofestival
2016 G20, vfg.selection award, 
Photobastei, Zurich
2014 Between the bridges, Photobastei, Zurich
2013 CHANGES-CHANCEN, Depot Basel
2011 Anagramme, Polaroid Impossible Project, EWZ, Zurich
2006 klubfoto, GREINA Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin
2006 Fernwärme, Im Osten, DGB Haus, Berlin
2005 Fernwärme, Im Osten, Galerie Nord, Berlin 
2005 Fernwärme, Best Diploma, HAW, Hamburg
2004 Boxer, PPS Galerie, Hamburg
2004 Symposium «True Colors», Deichtorhallen, Hamburg
2004 Fernwärme, Im Osten, Galerie Akademijy, Vilnius

Awards & Grants
2024 win the Deutscher Fotobuchpreis 2024/2025
2024 Der Greif, feature "and when you look closely"
2022 Der Greif gustroom " SCHRÖDINGER`S CAT"
2021 nominatet Royal Photographic Society, Bristol "Inbetweenoutside",
2020 second place Near fotoprice "Viel Glück zum Muttertag

2019  Athens Photo Festival, shortlisted, with the Serie Inbetweenoutside
2016 vfg.selection swiss photo award, with the Serie G20, Photobastei, Zurich
2016 Der Greif -A Process 2.0Between The Bridges, Krakow Photomonth 
2016 Athens Photo Festival, shortlisted with the Serie "Viel Glück zum Muttertag" 
2014 Greenpeace/GEO Magazin Award, DETOX - India
2012 Greenpeace/DU Magazin Award, Overexposed, about light pollution
2007  VG-Bildkunst Stipendium
Like Home In Little Odessa, NY
2005 DAAD Stipendium, Between the Bridges, New York

editorial u.a.
AD Magazin / Annabelle / ADAC Reisemagazin / Betonprisma / Beobachter Natur / Bilanz / Brand eins / Brigitte / Brigitte woman / Das Magazin / DU Magazin / FTD / Flow  / GEO Kompakt / GEO Wissen / Greenpeace Magazin / Haeuser / Hochparterre / Lufthansa Magazin / Merian / Mini-International / Migros / Monocle / New York Times / Neon / NZZ am Sonntag / NZZ / NZZ Stiel / NRC / Stern / Saisonkueche / Spiegel Wissen / SonntagsZeitung / SI Gruen / Surface / Süddeutsche Zeitung / Verde / VIA / WWF / Weekender Magazin / Wir Eltern / Die Zeit / Zeit Magazin / Zeit Campus

Commercial u.a.
BDI, Factor Design / BDZ Deutschland / COOP / / ETH, Zürich / HAW Hamburg / Hilti Art Foundation / Havas / Lowe Deutschland / Migros / Universität Lüneburg / Scholz & Friends, Hamburg / Station Zuerich / Raffinerie AG für Gestaltung / Volksbank VA / VG Bank / Rudi Bauer Integral Zürich / Raffinerie AG Zuerich / Ringzwei Hamburg, VP Bank Lichtensten, Din5 ZH / Coop Business Report

2023 Viel Glück zum Muttertag, Book17 x 23 cm / 304 pages / edition 500 / Sturm & Drang Publishers
2017 GREINA, Transhelvetica Verlag,
ISBN: 978-3-9524456-4-8
2010 Klubfoto, Exhibition Catalogue
2006 Plotki No7, Rumours from around the bloc, Berlin
2006 Klubfoto, Exhibition Catalogue
2005 Kunstforum International, Bd.175 April-Mai 2005
2005 Fernwärme, Self published book

©2022 Anne Gabriel-Jürgens