Viel Glück zum Muttertag

Für Zoe

This long-term photo project is about the relationship between my stepdaughter and me, growing up as a girl in this society, coming of age, my own memories of it and the question: What does family mean?


Book 48,- CHF
Book  17 x 23 cm / 304 pages  / edition 500 / wrap-around flap cover / 
open thread-stitching, german/english / 
© 2023 Sturm & Drang Publishers

C-Print 24 x 30 cm, edition 30, signed 250,-CHF + shipping
+ 7 CHF shipping (€ same price)
You can order  your copy directly from me at:

Viel Glück zum Muttertag
2009 - 2022

In 2009 I became the stepmother of a 9-year-old girl, Zoe. When we three moved in together, my life was changed in an instance. Emotionally I was held responsible by her little by little, and I suddenly had set dinner times, helped her with homework, attended school festivities, fought over Phone ban and was proud of her first shows with her band and her musical progress. Like it or not, I learned who or what was hip or tired, and what Justin Bieber was currently going through. I was allowed to witness the metamorphosis she underwent from child to pubescent young girl, today, at 18, torn between her childlike appearance and her adult attitudes. Puberty and coming of age! For this whole time, 10 years have passed, I have been accompanying Zoe and her father with my camera. I have been photographing the slow metamorphosis, everyday situations in our small family, as well as parties and holidays, vacations and funerals, which shaped our life. I have created a portrait of a girl who has been searching and finding her place in and paths through her unusual family configuration, her parents’ conflicts, extended family, friends and me. Zoe has grown to be a meaningful part of my life, her lively being, her self-interest, stubbornness, her fantasy, her yearning for love and attention, her strengths and weaknesses.

published & exhibit:
Never stop reading 12/2020 & 01/2021
La Couleur des Jours hiver 2020-2021
Republik 10/2021
Annabelle 11/2022
Parat Galerie Book launch 05/2023

Sample book pages

Zoe Buch Packshots
Zoe Buch Packshots
Zoe Buch Packshots
Zoe Buch Packshots
Zoe Buch Packshots

Das Spiegelbild zeigt uns keine Ähnlichkeit
das hast du von mir
Plötzlich ist Alltag
Wir suchen uns die gängigen Bilder und drehen sie um
Alles spielt zwischen Realität und Märchen
Die Zeit schwebt dahin
lch sag es nicht laut, schrei es aber sanft
Auf gehts!
Putze deine Federn und Flieg los
Ich bin da

The mirror image shows us no resemblance
you got that from me
Suddenly everyday life
we look for the common images and turn them around
Everything plays between reality and fairy tale
Time floats by
I won’t say it out loud, but I’ll shout it softly
Let’s go!
Brush your feathers and fly away
I’m here

©2022 Anne Gabriel-Jürgens