Poster exhibition 2022
Amnesty International & KOSMOS & Anna Göldi Museum
Those affected by sexualized violence break with myths, taboos and stigmas.
Rape myths are omnipresent in society. Many ideas about rape persist even though they have little to do with reality. This is because the ideas that society has about sexualized violence often harm those affected: They are not believed, they are not taken seriously, they are questioned or even discouraged from reporting. In this exhibition, seven victims dispel the myths surrounding rape and tell their individual stories. The exhibition was conceived in collaboration with the journalist Alea Rentenmeister, photographer Anne Gabriel-Jürgens and graphic designers Brigite Lampert and Katharina Hofer, and is based on the stories of Amnesty International activists. The 15 different posters tell stories of those affected and show that the experiences do not always correspond to the widespread rape myths. Let's listen to them, let's look and let's give their stories more visibility to fight against existing rape myths and stereotypes about sexualized violence. All interviews
©2022 Anne Gabriel-Jürgens